Neurodivergent vs Neurotypical

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Jeremiah 1 : 5

Neurodivergence refers to variations in neurological functioning and processing that are outside of what is considered typical or "neurotypical." It encompasses a range of conditions, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others. Neurodivergent individuals may have different ways of thinking, perceiving, and experiencing the world compared to those who are neurotypical.

One significant aspect of neurodivergence is the diverse cognitive and sensory processing styles that can impact how individuals navigate daily life. For example, some individuals may have heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as sounds, lights, or textures, which can lead to sensory overload or meltdowns in overwhelming environments. On the other hand, some individuals may struggle with executive functions like organization, time management, and sustained attention.

Connection — Mind + Body

God rejoices in His creation, there are no mistakes.

Society often has a bias toward neurotypicality, which can lead to difficulties for neurodivergent individuals. People that are neurodiverse may face stigma, discrimination, and barriers to accessing support, education, and employment opportunities. It is crucial to promote neurodiversity and create inclusive environments that value and accommodate the diversity of neurological functioning.

A lot of services that address neurodiversity are geared towards making individuals appear as neurotypical as possible. Rather than playing into and celebrating the strengths that come with being neurodiverse, these services work to curb the differences and highlight the neurotypical attributes. At Heal Laguna, we affirm that each person is created in God’s image. Minds are as diverse as the stars in the sky. We encourage neurodiverse clients to stem, move around, and bring any tools that will help them be comfortable and present in session.

Do you need accommodation?

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;

perplexed, but not in despair;

persecuted, but not abandoned;

struck down, but not destroyed.

Therefore we do not lose heart.