“Faith does not need to push the river because faith is able to trust that there is a river. The river is flowing. We are in it.”


Christian Mysticism

A Rebellion Against Contemporary Christian Culture

What is Christian Mysticism?

Christian mystics believe that it is possible to have a direct experience of God's presence and that this is an ongoing practice throughout one's life. In Christian mysticism, the aim is to let go of one's self or ego to become one with God and manifest Divine Love.

What is Contemporary Christian culture?

Contemporary Christian culture is defined by duality. If you do certain things and follow certain rules, then you are good and you are in the club. If you do not do what is expected and do not follow certain rules, then you are bad and you are not in the club. Though Christian thought has evolved radically over the last century, this thought process still permeates our belief system and public perception.

What is the rejection of duality?

The rejection of duality is in direct rebellion to this popular thought process of us vs them. It does not point and judge. The rejection of duality states that for me to recognize something negative in another, I must first recognize it in myself.

You cannot recognize a liar unless you have recognized the capacity within yourself to lie.

If I am at peace with myself and my ego, I will not judge them for their trait or transgression, but will have grace and understanding for them.

If I am not at peace with myself and my ego, I will reject that trait and project it onto the person in front of me, judging them harshly and defining their character by it.

When we are able to reject duality, we are able to suspend judgment on the people atound us, and in turn, suspend judgement on ourselves.

What is mysticism’s influence on Heal Laguna?

“In college, I went through a significant season of doubt. I explored the realms of the Law of Attraction and our individual ability to manifest reality. The belief that there was a one true God who knew me personally and loved me unconditionally felt far away during this time.

Fortunately, through the influences of earthly angels like Dale Hollis and Katie Cook of Seed’s Publishing, I found Christian Mysticism. This belief system flipped my perception of Christianity on its head. Coming from a christian environment driven by ego, poor boundaries, and judgement, I found the river of peace amongst the literature given to me. Novels such as The Way of the Wolf by Martin Bell and St. George and The Dragon and The Quest for the Holy Grail by Edward Hayes and The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo shifted my faith back to center. Mysticism, Fransiscanism, and Liberation Theology all brought me back to the table with the understanding there were more of me out there.

This form of christianity isn’t about control or elitism or profit. It is about the individual experience of God. It is about the truth of Christ.

Mysticism is about all of us being on our own journeys, together.

And that is why Heal Laguna exists.”

- Adrienne Kruse, Founder

Heal Laguna Thought Leaders

Richard Rohr

“Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change. In fact, God loves you so that you can change. What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change.”

Teresa de Ávila

“It is of great importance, when we begin to practise prayer, not to let ourselves be frightened by our own thoughts.”

Kahlil Gibran

“Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.”

“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that have received–only what you have given.”

St. Francis of Assisi

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